Employer Branding
Employer Branding: What does it mean?
Adidas, Google, Audi – they must be really cool companies to work for. In best-places-to-work surveys they always take the top places. But: How can the people being interviewed know this? Only very few of them – let alone all of them – would have ever seen any of these companies from the inside. The answer: Employer branding. Because companies don´t just advertise their products but also themselves as employers.
It is important to not promise everything under the sun but to present the interaction of positive corporate culture, happy employees and an authentic external communication. The aim is to motivate new employees to join the company and to retain the people already working there. Each employee is part of this marketing. Because a glossy image is no use when on the inside, amongst the employees, a whole other picture of the employer exists.

The aim is to motivate new staff to join the company and to boost the loyalty of existing employees.
And how does the project "Employer Branding" at Rhomberg actually look like?
Survey phase- the first step
We have collected information in individual interviews and workshops with management, company executives and site-/project managers on how our colleagues perceive Rhomberg Bau as an employer and what makes “working at Rhomberg“ interesting for them. We were able to review and refine these findings in our participation at “Great Place to Work“.
Creative phase— the next step:
Of course, we wanted to implement the results right away - both with images and words. That is why we have decided to develop advertising-images as a first step which can be used for image- and job advertisements. Bruno Welzenbach, creative head of our design agency “die3“ has developed the motives together with Sabine Burger (HR) and Benedikt Krauß (Marketing & Communication) and explains how the result was achieved:

Word creations such as ‚vision-focuser‘ or ‚idea-achiever‘ combine two of construction´s essences: innovative visions that create exceptional ideas for the future. And the creative power that lets each of these ideas become reality. With the artistic staging of real employees, the images build an additional, visionally bridge between vision and reality. The slogan “We will build on this” puts the employees in the spotlight. Staff members are most probably the most treasured possessions of a company, which has been shown in the survey phase. They form a strong base and are the solid pillars of every project. This belief come to fruition in the double meaning of the word “build“.
Implementation phase — step by step:
Our first initiative has already started in autumn: our advertising campaign, different social-media activities and an adjustment of our career page. Additionally, we are always present with our motifs and activities on our sustainability wall in the foyer of our head office in Bregenz, at the Christmas drinks and over again on the intranet. And: The article in the WIR, that you are just reading, is also part of it.
But that is not all: We are also re-working our exhibition stand that we use to present the Rhomberg Group at HR and job fairs, we are designing a new personnel folder and much more. The section “behind the scenes“ on the career page is an important part of the campaign. Because who else would know better what it is like to work at Rhomberg than someone that works at Rhomberg? With this, we bring transparency, authenticity and valuable insight for those interested onto our homepage. Jürgen Glojek and Christian Düringer are already being introduced there, you can also find Helmut Bernard´s typical working day (here in the magazine) on there. And of course, there are more parts in planning. So, if you fancy featuring in there or you know someone that would be just the right person – send them our way!