„Austrian company remembers their retired employees Cazin“

The local paper „Dnevni avaz“ reported (their printed headline is ours too for this article) and even a TV crew was on-site. And it shows: Rhomberg´s visit in Cazin caused quite a stir again.
And it is a nice story too: For the 4th time now, the business and the works council payed a visit to former employees, who had returned to their home countries after they´d retired – and this is to be understood literally. Gerd Opriessnig, Bernhard Flatz and site manager Dominko Bilic really visited every single one of the former colleagues in their own home. That resulted in an impressive 19 meetings. With this, they kept to a promise that Gerd made to them at the last flying visit in 2014: “Our colleagues deserve these visits. That´s why it also wasn´t the last one.“
Cazin is a community with nearly 70 000 inhabitants in the outermost northwest of Bosnia and Herzegovina. At current, 18 former colleagues with a total of 500 working years in track construction, structural and civil engineering for Rhomberg are living there: Zarif Lidan, Ramo Handanagic, Huse Delalic, Sulejman Mehagic, Mehmed Hatic, Jusuf Jusic, Mujo Hrncic, Hasan Merdanovic, Ibrahim Begic, Hasib Seferagic, Asim Sisic, Esad Puskar, Mirsad Kovacevic, Arif Japic, Rifat Jasaragic, Mehmed Selimovic, Alaga Samardzic and Beco Sedic. Becir Sepic´s widow was also visited.